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Pull Up Bars
Which Chin Up Bar is Best?
Chin ups are a great way to get in a little muscle training. Whether included as part of a more comprehensive workout or something to do as part of the morning routine, the right type of chin up bar matters. Here are some different designs to consider.
Wall Mounted Models
These can be mounted in the bedroom and be ready for use any time. People who like the idea of doing some quick chin ups before getting ready for work will like this one. Remember to secure the bar on a portion of the wall that has thick studs behind.
Doorway Mounted Models
These are popular because they take up space that is usually not needed for anything else. Once in place, all it takes to use the bar is to open the door and grab on to the bar. Remember to mount the bar so that it will not interfere with the opening and closing of the door.
Stand Alone Models
There are bars that are part of a framework. These can easily be set up in the corner of a room for use. People who don’t like the idea of mounting something on a wall or in a door frame will find these to be a great option.
Take a look at different chin up bar models today and choose one that’s is just right. Once the bar is in place, use it daily. Over time, working in more repetitions will become easier and the positive effect on the energy level will be obvious.
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